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Deze week

  • 1 mei 2023 (1 evenement)
  • 2 mei 2023 (1 evenement)
    Online infosessie ICES 'Wij Pestvrij' Ge-Baek lesgevers/bestuurders

    Online infosessie ICES 'Wij Pestvrij' Ge-Baek lesgevers/bestuurders

    2 mei 2023

    Virtuele (online) dojang
  • 3 mei 2023 (1 evenement)
    Trialtraining voor selectie tul WK 2023

    Trialtraining voor selectie tul WK 2023

    3 mei 2023

    Dear Grand Master, Masters, School owners

    As the deadline for the World Championship in Finland has been extended, we have decided to have ONE trial training for those interested to compete in Patterns at the WC.

    It will take place on Wednesday, 3rd of May at Sport City (Avenue Salome 2 at 1150 Brussels (Woluwe-Saint-Pierre)) from 20h00 to 22h00.

    Those who have been already selected doesn't have to attend this training.

    Can you please share this information to all your black belt students? Please confirm to Sabum Andreea Musca (email address in cc) the list of those who will be present for the trial.

    Best regards

    Boo Sabum Nicolas

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